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- [Online Seminar Series] Being Singular – Historical and Theoretical Perspectives – New Cycle
- Writing Atelier – Winter 2024
- [Online Seminar Series] Being Singular: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives
- [Interview] Pioniergeist: Der erste Ästhetik-Lehrstuhl der Schweiz
- (Conference) Medien der Künste / Künste der Medien – XII. International Congress of the German Society of Aesthetics
- (Seminar) Colloque des doctorant∙e∙s/Forschungskolloquium/Research Colloquium
- (Conference) Aesthetics & Critique VII – Beyond Reality? Virtuality and Experience (Fribourg, 14-16.12.2023)
- Talk: Jason Day, Psychedelic Theory: Attention & Experience
- (Article) Lucie Mercier, The Translatability of Experience: On Fanon’s Language Puzzle
- Publication: M. Foucault, La Question anthropologique (Ed. Arianna Sforzini)
- Publication: Handbuch Phänomenologie (Hrsg. E. Alloa, Th. Breyer und E. Caminada)
- DGAE–Plattform#2 – Transkulturelle Medienästhetik // Transcultural Media Aesthetics
- Aesthetics & Critique VI : Realism in Perspective / Réalisme en perspective / Perspektiven des Realismus (Fribourg, 26-27.05.2023)
- Video : Aesthetics & Critique V – After Nature
- Seminar: Aesthetics & Critique V – After Nature / (D’)après Nature / Nach der Natur
- Video: Emmanuel Alloa, Sharing Perspectives. Points of View in Art and Philosophy (European Society for Aesthetics Conference 2022)
- Talk : Andrew Benjamin “What is the Object of Art?” (17 May 2022)
- Conference: Pouvoirs de la contagion (Fribourg, 5-6 mai 2022)
- Conference: The Marxist Aesthetics of Georg Lukács (22-23 April 2022)
- Publication: Emmanuel Alloa (Ed.), This Obscure Thing Called Transparency, LUP 2022.
- Talk-performance: Simon Senn (HEAD, Géneve). Be Arielle ou Prendre le corps d’un(e) autre.
- Seminar : Problèmes de l’esthétique contemporaine / Probleme der Gegenwartsästhetik / Problems in Contemporary Aesthetics.
- Seminar : Das Tragische. Antike und moderne Perspektiven.
- Séminaire : Que peut un corps ? (Spring 2022)
- Publication: Hannah Arendt, Il n’y a qu’un seul droit de l’homme
- Workshop: Aesthetics & Critique IV (18th-19th November, 2021)
- Now available: Recordings of the 3rd Workshop in Aesthetics & Critique
- Publication: Emmanuel Alloa, Looking through images (trans. by Nils F. Schott)
- Publication: Emmanuel Alloa, Partages de la perspective
- Conference: DGAE 2021
- Talk: Frédéric Gros, Esthétique de l’existence (1st June, 2021)
- Workshop: Aesthetics & Critique III (27th-28th May, 2021)
- Talk: Toni Negri & Judith Revel, De la société disciplinaire à la société de contrôle (27th April, 2021)
- Radio-Feature: Christoph Haffter, Vom Neuern der alten Musik
- Video: La leçon des images d’Emmanuel Alloa. Festival Hors Pistes 2021, Centre Pompidou.
- Publication: Emmanuel Alloa & Chiara Cappelletto (eds.), Dynamis of the Image. Moving Images in a Global World
- Talk: Christoph Poetsch, Körper – Bild – Seele (16th March, 2021)
- Seminar: Die Notwendigkeit des Scheins (Spring 2021)
- Talk: Christian Grüny, Schopenhauers Flöte und Adornos Partituren (4th November, 2021)
- Seminar: Nietzsche et Foucault. Histoire, savoirs, Pouvoir (Spring 2021)
- Lecture: Le rêve de la transparence (Spring 2021)
- Seminar: Philosophie der Bilder (Spring 2021)
- Publication: Christoph Haffter, Szenen der Selbstenttäuschung
- Workshop: Modes of Attention (July 27-29, 2020)
- Seminar: De Husserl à Derrida. Phénoménologie et déconstruction (Autumn 2020)
- Seminar: Le son affranchi (Autumn 2020)
- Lecture: Kunst/Philosophie. Momente einer modernen Auseinandersetzung (Autumn 2020)
- Seminar: Aufmerksamkeit. Wahrnehmung – Anerkennung – Achtsamkeit (Autumn 2020)
- Workshop Aesthetics & Critique II (27th-28th November, 2020)
- Workshop Aesthetics & Critique I (29th-30th November, 2019)
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